2017년 1월 24일 화요일

4-2 Batch Output : Plot and PDF

What is batch output capability?
The batch output function prints and converts all drawing areas created in one file to pdf. As with the Export Drawing feature, you can select the entire list and then select the Plot / PDF button.
 How to select from drawing area list, how to select area screen, Batch plot We support batch output function of all three methods.

A. Drawing area list selection output
 After selecting the entire list, select 'Plot' or 'DWG to PDF' and select the Plot / PDF button to proceed as follows.

B. Screen area ChoosePlot
The user can directly select the drawing area on the screen and output it in batch. If you check the selection of individual paper, the name of the paper size in the block can be called up and output is possible for each paper size.


The output proceeds in the selected order.

C. Batch Plot
 The Batch Plot feature allows you to batch print drawings within a folder without opening the drawing.

1) Select Folder
2) Select drawing to output from file list
3) Click the Output button after setting options.

* Open list, Save list: You can save and load frequently printed lists.

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