2017년 1월 24일 화요일

3-4 Convert Part List : Use Existing Parts List

Convert Part List?
 You can convert the previously created table to use all editing functions of 'MechClick' by applying the 'Part conversion table' function. 

A. 'Convert Part List' Locate

B. How to use 'Convert Part List' 1

 a. First point: Select the bottom left corner except for the title.
 b. Second point: Select the upper right corner, which is the last part of the BOM.
 c. Third point: Select the point directly above the first point to set the row height of the bill
                      of materials.

 C. How to use 'Convert Part List' 2

(Change the column according to the title order of the existing parts list.)

  DHow to use 'Convert Part List' 3

(The converted content can also be entered as part number.)

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