2017년 2월 21일 화요일

[Batch Plot] 2. Screen Area Choose Plot

 Screen Area Choose Plot?
 Even if 'MechClick' is not registered as a drawing area, you can still select drawings in use in your company and output them in batches. If the paper size (A0 ~ A4) is included in the block name, you can batch output according to the paper size. However, the drawing area must be set as a block.

A. [Screen Area Choose Plot] location

B. How to use

1. Generally, Plot and PDF can be selected and output. Select an option and click the OK button.

* If you select the individual paper size, you can print by selecting the paper size if the block name contains the paper size.

2. Select the object you want to print. (You can only use the drawing area of ​​'MechClick' or the drawing area specified as a block.)

3. Execute button: Press the right button of mouse with ENTER and SPACE BAR to output.

4. To specify the option again, select the option Shortcut (S). 
(Input immediately after execution)

[Batch Plot] 1. Batch plot method using the drawing area

How do I use a drawing area to perform a Batch Plot?
 When you use the drawing area feature, the created area is created as a list. 
You can use the batch output function in three ways by selecting the generated list.
(dwg, pdf, plot) 

A. Convert to DWG

1. When you create a drawing area function, the list is created in the Create drawing area window.

2. Drawing area creation window. Select all the lists and click the "Export" button. 
(Version selection). Then specify the folder to complete.

3.Each file can be converted and used. 

B. Convert to PDF, PLOT

1. Likewise, select the entire list and select "PLOT, DWG to PDF" and click the button.

2. In the Page Setup window, select 'Printer Settings', 'Plot Center', 'Fit to Paper' and 'Style' to print.

3. When outputting to PDF in batch, it is stored separately.

2017년 2월 19일 일요일

Learn more about engineering calculations.

What is an engineering calculation feature?
 The functions required for engineering calculations are easy to use. Reverse calculations are also possible.

A. Engineering Calculation Location

B. Learn how to use (spur gear)

You can select the functions required for gear calculation. Because it is possible to inverse calculate, if you change the value of one item, the remaining value changes automatically.

Provides data tables for functions so that anyone can easily use engineering calculation functions.

Once the calculations are complete, you can create the data in a table for easy reference.

2017년 2월 16일 목요일

3. MechClick 3D : Hotkey Function

Hotkey Function ?
 When you insert a component from the library, you can use the shortcuts Z, X, and Y to insert the part in real time.
Z, X, Y can be rotated 45 degrees with the coordinate concept.

A.  Learn the interface

2. MechClick 3D : Favorites function

Favorites function ?
 Frequently used parts can be added to favorites using the search function.
You can also add and use bookmark folders, rename bookmarks, and save bookmarks currently stored in the database.

A. Learn the interface

B. Favorites Icon

*From left to right

1). Add New Bookmark Item
2). Delete Selected Bookmak Item
3). Edit Name Of Selected Bookmark Item
4). Revert To Saved : You can open bookmarks registered in DB.
5). Save : You can save the set bookmark in DB and share it.

1. MechClick 3D: Part search function

Part search function ?
 You can easily search all parts registered in 'MechClick 3D'. You can also register as favorites for frequently used parts.

A. Learn the interface